Bazı yerlerinden çevirdiğim kadarıyla böyle. benim, benim, görmen için senle neden temas kurduğum olan yardıma ihtiyaç duyan bir öksüz şimdi gibi olduğumu memnun eder, eğer sen, beni senin ülkenden bir yardıma sağlayabilirsen çünkü benim koşullarım, fazla kötü buradadır. Benim, erkek kardeşler veya kız kardeşlerim yok, ama benim, amcalarım var, onlar, benim annemin ölümünden beri geçen yıl benle dürüstçe olmadı, bütün özen etrafta, kendileri arasında benim annemin mallarını paylaşıyor, o sadece öyle olan biraz kızı diyor, o şeylerle, benim, protesto etmeyi denediğim zaman, onların, benim yaşamımı tehdit etmeye başladığı zaman yapmanın neyin olduğunu bilmeyecek, ve aile evinden dışarı bana yollamak, o, benim, onların, etrafta benim yolumu nereye bilemediğini neden koştuğumdur, ben, bu ülkeyi bırakıncaya kadar.
bu lütfen, özgür işlemin olduğu bir risktir ve. Benim, (Senle benim ilişkim) bir şeyim içeride ortak olduğunu hatırla, ve sen hem de, benim, özellikle benim, daha fazla senin ülkende benim eğitimime beğenecek olduğum senin ülken, çoğunda parayı yatırdığıma yardım edeceksin, ben, benim, (Okula bakmak) benim hem de, emlak idaresi veya otel idaresi veya senin seçeneğinin herhangi birisine bu parayı yatırman için seni beğenecek olduğum çok iyi bir okulu sorduğuma yardım etmen için sana ihtiyaç duyarım. teşekkürler, ve mutlak kudretli Tanrı, kutsayabilir, ve sana rehberlik edebilir. > senden duymak ileri bakmak. > en iyi saygılar. > Bayan Katherine Grawaki.
İŞTE ORJİNAL İNGİLİZCESİ. >To confirm what is required to transfer the money into your account, I will call and tell him about you, that you are my late mother's close business and family friend that base abroad that you are presently my guardian and that you want to assist me come over to your country to further my education. > >Tolga, I believe that GOD made this choice for me. This money is legally acquired money by my late mother, she is a cocoa dealer. I will send you the certificate of deposit issued to my late mother when she deposited the money in the bank and attached is my picture and my late mother's death certificate. > >Please I am like an orphan now who needed help that is why I contact you to see if you can render me a help from your country because my conditions here is too bad. I don't have brothers or sisters but I have uncles, they have not been fair with me since the death of my mother last year, all the care about is sharing my mother's properties among themselves, saying that am just a little girl so won't know what to do with those things, when I tried to protest, they started threatening my life and send me out of family house, that is why I run to where they cannot know my way about until I leave this country. > > The good things that happened to me is that they are not aware of this sum of five million five hundred thousand US dollars . USD ($5.5million ) left in a suspense account which my mother arranged to transfer abroad into her foreign partners account for her investments overseas but according to the bank director, she could not give them any record of her partner before her untimely death, they instruct me to provide them with the record of my mother's partner so they can transfer the money to enable me have access to it. > >Please this is a risk free transaction and. Remember I have something in common (my relationship with you) and also you will assist me invest the money in your country, most specially I will like to further my education in your country, I need you to assist me inquire a very good school (Nursing School) I will also like you to invest this money into real estate management or hotel management or any of your choice. >Thanks and may Almighty God bless and guide you. >Looking forward to hear from you. >Best Regards. >Miss Katherine Grawaki.
tamamen tuzak kanma sakın...
Buna olta diyorlar. 1000 kişiye atıyolar mail i ordan bi 10 kişi gelse kar...
Senden para ister olparam felandiye boşver yani.
ZATEN BEN DE PARA YOK Kİ YOLLAYAYIM.:))) MAILINDE BIR DE BANKA MUDURUNUN MAİLİNİ VERMİŞ.AMACI NE OLABİLİR BEN PARA YOLLAYAMASAM BİLE?VE ACABA KANIP YOLLAYANLAR VAR MI?BENDEN PARA ISTEMIYO MAİLDE. Dear Tolga, Thank you very much for your response, and for your accepting to fully assist me in this hour of need. Most importantly, I want you to show your credibility promise that you will be honest and trustworthy to me during my relationship with you.Well I dont know you in person but after going through your profile I pray then contact you that you are the right person that God choose for me,so with this I so much believe that you will not cheat me as the whole money will be coming to your account. I believe I could trust you,
Secondly, you have to keep this transaction confidential and top secret between you and me for my safety because of the wicked people that killed my mother, so I would love to transfer this money with your name into your personal account for self-keeping. After reading your message I do understand that you really want to help me in my present predicaments which I found myself, I need you to stand as a guidean to me and provide some necessary thing to back me up in your place and bank account where the money will be save transferred and arrange for me to come over to your country immediately so I can continue my education and live a good life because my condition here is very critical. I hope you do understand all the contains of my first mail to you, Is because I want to come over to your Country and gain parental care that I have been missing since I lost my parents. After giving me the necessary assurance, I will like you to contact the bank manager.
Mr.Marcelino Mane Banque Nationale D`Invesitissment. Abidjan Cote D`Ivoire Tel: +22506407362 Email:
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