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Moonlighter Yama (İstek)

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  • oyuna ait türkçe yama yok deneyen ilgilenen uğraşmak isteyen olur mu acaba?

  • Oyunun Türkçe yamaya pek ihtiyacı yok aslında.
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  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: NeCRiS

    Text dosyalarına ulaşamadım elinde olan varsa bakmak isterim.
    oyun epic games de 2 ağustosa kadar ücretsiz hemen alabilirsin
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    Orijinalden alıntı: Shapu

    oyun epic games de 2 ağustosa kadar ücretsiz hemen alabilirsin

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    Aldım zaten de çeviri için text dosyalarına ulaşamadım. Varsa çıkarabilen gönderirse sevinirim.
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  • yama geliyor mu baylar ?
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Vanquish Türkçe Yama (İSTEK)
    5 yıl önce açıldı
    Roadwarden Türkçe yama istek
    2 yıl önce açıldı
    Daha Fazla Göster


    Greetings, Heroes and Merchants!

    We've just launched a major update for Moonlighter! It fixes a lot of issues that you've reported over the last few weeks! Thanks for sending the feedback and for being so supportive and patient. We really appreciate that!

    Here's the full list of changes:

    General Fixes:
    Added support of Italian and Turkish languages
    Fixed overlapping potions with the weapon icon in GUI
    No longer possible to change "map" button binding (change was done to avoid issues with controller mapping)
    Regular weapons in DLC+ should now have proper enchantment multipliers
    No longer possible to duplicate items using Mimic chest
    Fixed issue with exclamation mark remaining above Witch when there were no news
    Fixed issue where exclamation marks were re-appearing above NPCs upon loading game using "Load Game" option in main menu
    Window resolution no longer changes upon switching tabs in options menu when playing in Windowed mode
    Fixed issue where in some weapons inacurrate damage value could be displayed at the Witch enchantment menu
    No longer possible to interact with shop sign during post-tutorial Zenon scene
    Icon indicating that DLC content has beed activated was added to the save slots
    Fixed description of all elemental puddle amulets
    Fixed issue where Trick weapons were not registered to notebook in new game+
    No longer possible to re-buy multiple brooms from Le Retailer
    Fixed issue where already obtained eggs and quest items could sometimes be present near the familiar farm

    Dungeon Fixes:
    Fixed issue where character could get stuck in one specific room of Wanderer dungeon
    Fixed issue where character would receive damage when their familiar was struck by the Tech Soldier's attack
    Fixed issue where it was possible to open chest while charging secondary attack of some weapons
    Fixed issue where the trick effect of Mechanic Big sword could sometimes stay on the screen after performing a trick attack
    Cause of misadventure should now be visible on dungeon summary screen when character dies to a trick weapon recoil damage
    Tesla Recharger familiar potion spawning in the Wanderer Dungeon was tweaked
    Fixed issue where one attack of the Final Boss enemy was not dealing damage to the character
    Fixed issue where some familiar eggs were dropping after first killed enemy in the new game+
    Familiar spawned by an amulet no longer stays with the character after defeating the DLC Boss

    Shop Fixes:
    Fixed issue where sold items could get incorrect popularity update
    Undecided customers should now get kicked out when shop is about to close
    Shop closing indicator is no longer obscured by the time of day indicator
    Fixed issue where there was no on-screen notification when a "too high" price of an item was saved to notebook
    Fixed isssue with Forest Seeder quest naming
    Fixed issue where some thieves were not stealing from cash register
    Fixed customer counter on the sales summary screen
    Fixed Desert Cloth Hawker item

    We hope that it makes your experience with our game even better. If you still encounter any issues - be sure to report them to techsupport@11bitstudios.com.

    Have a good one!
    Digital Sun & 11 bit studios

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi lyldz -- 14 Ekim 2019; 18:35:7 >

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