vardı.forumda arat bulursun.hack falan yaz çıkıyodu heral.
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Dear Sir / Madam I have been having proplem with my hot mail address. When I try to access to my account after ( BURAYA HACKLENEN TARİHİ YAZ) I found out my password and the secret question have been chanced.When I send you a request about new password the ynformations also were not match the ones I remember and the ones you recorded. I also have seen someone is using my mesenger and chating with others on behalf of me.My phone bills credit card extres information come to this account and this person gives my phone numbers the other people.
thanks your answer.
my name is: İSİM sign in: MAİL ADRESİN my birthday : DOĞUM TARİHİN country: ULKE state: ŞEHİR zip or postal code: POSTA KODU successfull sign: ENSON BAĞLANDIĞIN TARİH Approximate date of account registration: NEZAMANDIR BU ADRESİ KULLANDIĞIN List as many former passwords you used with this account as far back as you can remember: KULLANDIĞIN ŞİFRELER List as many of your Folders as you can remember: SAKLADIĞIN DOSYALAR VARMIYDI MAİLİNDE VARSA HATIRLADIKLARIN
my internet service provider isİNTERNET BAĞLANTININ ADI
I would like you to solve this problem.Could you change the password and send me new one so this can not use my account. If this is not possibble could you cancel my account. Thankyou in advance , sincerely