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No Man's Sky (2016) [ANA KONU] (38. sayfa)

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  • Az da olsa ilerleme var oyunda. Ancak fiyatının makul seviyelere düşmesi lazım. Hâlâ çok pahalı.
  • Bu ilerlemelere fazla kanmamalı, oyun o kadar boştu ki en ufak ekleme, geliştirme çağ atlatacak durumda oyuna. Başta tepki almasalar şu üs kurma olayını DLC diye satardı bu ahlaksızlar.
  • Yeni güncelleme ile deneyen var mı ?
  • emiLL kullanıcısına yanıt
    Az önce denedim;
    Üs kurma gelmiş, indiğim bir Ayda klübe var dedi, gittim. Burayı ana gezegen yapacak mısınız diye sordu, deneme amaçlı kabul ettim. Ana terminal için malzeme eksikti, topladım; demir vs.
    Terminali yapınca birini konuşlandır, Space Station'dan birini işe al dedi. Uzay istasyonu'na gittim, birini yolladım.
    Işınlanma gelmiş, uzay istasyonundan ana gezegene.
    Bitki filan ekip farm yapabiliyorsun galiba.
    Grafikler düzeltilmiş. Yaratıklar birbiriyle etkileşime giriyordu; yengeç tarzı yaratık, başka bir yaratığa saldırıyordu (daha önce yoktu diye hatırlıyorum).
    Ayrıca en başta, Normal, Survival ve Creative modları var (Evet Minecraft misali).
    Görebildiklerim bunlar şimdilik.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: yazar11

    Az önce denedim;
    Üs kurma gelmiş, indiğim bir Ayda klübe var dedi, gittim. Burayı ana gezegen yapacak mısınız diye sordu, deneme amaçlı kabul ettim. Ana terminal için malzeme eksikti, topladım; demir vs.
    Terminali yapınca birini konuşlandır, Space Station'dan birini işe al dedi. Uzay istasyonu'na gittim, birini yolladım.
    Işınlanma gelmiş, uzay istasyonundan ana gezegene.
    Bitki filan ekip farm yapabiliyorsun galiba.
    Grafikler düzeltilmiş. Yaratıklar birbiriyle etkileşime giriyordu; yengeç tarzı yaratık, başka bir yaratığa saldırıyordu (daha önce yoktu diye hatırlıyorum).
    Ayrıca en başta, Normal, Survival ve Creative modları var (Evet Minecraft misali).
    Görebildiklerim bunlar şimdilik.

    Anlaşılan 2-3 büyük güncelleme daha gerekiyor vaad edilene yaklaşması için. Teşekkkürler

  • http://www.no-mans-sky.com/foundation-update/


    General Gameplay
    Fixed technology becoming instantly fully charged when repaired
    Fixed ship appearing on incorrect pad in space station after loading
    Added interactable objects that required certain tech to collect
    Added shootable objects that require certain tech to mine
    Rebalanced resource availability and technology charge requirements
    Fixed initial game flow - where travelling to space too quickly after visiting the monolith could prevent the first atlas station notification appearing
    Prevented player being prompted to scan for buildings before leaving the system after visiting the monolith
    Prevented laser and melee attacks while in space from attempting to edit terrain
    Improved calculation of resources received when mining terrain
    Renamed Signal Scanners to Signal Boosters
    Signal booster objects updated to search for playable bases, suit upgrade pods, and mineable resources
    Removed signal booster from being distributed on terrain, as player can now build them
    Improved accuracy of environment detection, fixing cases where it rained inside caves
    Fixed galactic waypoints not loading correctly across saves
    Removed atlas pass v1 requirement from doors in stations
    Suit upgrade pods are no longer spawned in stations
    Suit upgrade pods can now only be used once
    Fixed collision in anomaly that was causing issues when exiting larger ships
    Increased the number of different NPC character models generated per system
    Fixed the game always remaining in day time for players who began their save prior to patch 1.03
    Fixed a potential crash in foliage instance renderer
    Fixed stats page in asian languages
    Fixed multiple issues with asian language formatting
    Multiple improvements and fixes to localisation text in all languages
    Added new icons for specific types of primary resources
    Fixed health bars not appearing on some targets
    Added hazard and life support drain indicators
    Fixed mission messages not appearing in a timely fashion
    Beacons now notify the player that they will save the game
    Fixed crash when creature IK animations were updated under certain conditions on the discovery screen
    Improved navigation in discovery UI
    Massive speed improvements to browsing huge discovery lists
    Increased size of discovery storage
    Added option to load "Earliest" previous save in Options menu
    Fixed weapon naming
    Added icon to remind players of the reload button when weapon is empty
    Multiple fixes for viewing discoveries
    Added photo mode
    Large optimisations to the engine to accommodate base building
    Added support for up to 8 mouse buttons
    Fixed better order position history for mouse smoothing
    Fixed bug where setting gamma to zero gave a fully bright rather than fully dark image
    Fixed hard-limiting on save sizes, with appropriate warning about free space on boot
    Player is now notified when shaders are being loaded
    Fixed occasional crash on exit
    Fixed performance of trail renderer for some AMD cards
    Large optimisations to the engine to accommodate base building
    Added biome specific plants
    Adopted new method of distributing resource plants on terrain, for more lifelike clumps of plants
    Improved distribution of plant life across all terrain types
    Introduced visual differentiation of red, green and blue star systems
    Introduced new mineable terrain resources found only in red, green and blue star systems
    Reduced average building frequency
    Introduced planets with elevated building density
    Introduced planets with no buildings or sentient life
    Increased the proportion of lush and tropical planets
    Decreased the proportion of lifeless planets
    Fixed bug where multiple ships could appear, overlapping, at the player's start scene
    Prevented certain building types being incorrectly placed underwater
    Prevented multiple buildings occasionally being placed in overlapping positions
    Prevented buildings occasionally being placed intersecting with the terrain
    Improved and altered per-planet terrain resource generation, improving gameplay and visuals
    Fixed elevation cache mismatches, causing errors in creature knowledge and pathing
    Fixed slow memory leak in creature role allocation
    Improved creature animation speeds
    Fixed issues where some creatures turns had the incorrect frame count
    Fixed occasional crash when interacting with creatures
    Increased proportion of vibrant blue skies
    Corrected cloud levels for clear skies
    Improved average cloud level settings
    Fixed cloud rendering while flying in your ship
    Improved atmosphere depth when transitioning to space
    Increased fidelity of atmosphere rendering on nearest planet
    Improved atmospheric fog as you fly to a planet
    Improved fog method for planets seen on the horizon
    Improved terrain generation algorithms
    Improved and extended blend areas between different terrain noise types
    Terrains now generate more open spaces
    Smaller features now appear at nearer lods to improve visuals in the distance
    Fixed objects being placed on incorrect terrain material types
    Improved resolution of distant planet terrain
    Decreased differences between planet as seen from space and actual planet terrain
    Fixed seams on planets when seen from space
    Improvements to terrain material selection and terrain material blending
    Terrain generation priority and cost calculation improvements
    Fixed terrain generation angle calculations, which would previously prevent nearest region being generated first
    We now generate caves on lower terrain lods to decrease visual differences in lower detail terrain
    Introduced more varied and vibrant colouring to terrain for each biome
    Decreased frequency of brown terrain colour selections
    Changed texture scales to improve transition between terrain lods
    Improved terrain colour combinations to add variety and better match terrain contouring
    Improved terrain texture blending method to better retain vibrant colours
    Improved settings for hue, saturation and value noise variation on terrain
    Fixed a number of issues causing holes to be seen in the planet terrain
    Fixed occasional crash when mining terrain
    Fixed colour of muzzle flashes on player weapons
    Added muzzle flashes to ship weapons
    Added cockpit lighting for damage and weapon firing
    Added debris to freighter explosion effect
    Improved freighter cargo explosions
    Improved photon cannon hit and space explosion effects
    Improved turret explosion effect
    Improved grass colour selection
    Improved grass colouring method to match underlying terrain colour
    Improved grass placement to match gradient of terrain, and rocky terrain slope patches
    Improved lighting on grass
    Improved alpha cutoffs and blending for grass in the distance
    Improved colouring method for on-planet buildings
    Fixed "pop" in lighting when flying between planets
    Fixed incorrect lighting seen in shadow areas
    Improved lighting method when rendering tree leaves
    Fixed procedural texturing on objects with multiple overlapping textures
    Fixed size of certain texture atlas normal maps
    Fixed texture scaling on asteroids
    Zinc plant is now more obvious when it has been gathered
    Fixed occasional rendering errors due to precision on cockpit during warp
    Fixed pulse lines not appearing when pulse driving out from planet atmosphere
    Fixed shadowing artefacts on imposters
    Improved asteroids to allow much denser fields
    Improved explosion effects
    Fixed scale of moons on the space map
    Added freighter groups to the space map
    Changed distribution of resources in asteroids
    AI ships will now clear asteroids in their path
    Planets are now scannable from space to see their resources
    Space Combat
    Fixed bounty targets warping out too soon
    Improved HUD indicators in space combat
    Added damaged ship effect on AI starships
    Added formation flying
    Improved locking on passive starships
    Improved AI combat flight patterns
    Added new ship weapon technology
    Holding brake whilst turning now activates drift for fast turns
    Improved AI ship freighter attacking
    Improved freighter targeting code when under attack by enemy ships
    Fixed pulse drive to prevent travel through freighters
    Improved docking code
    Added hangar to the lead freighter
    Added docking in freighters
    Added icon to accessible freighter hangars
    Added colouring to cargo drops to identify what is in them
    You can now only pick up cargo drops that will fit in your inventory
    Added auxiliary freight ships to freighter groups
    Added alert lights and alarm audio for when freighters are in combat
    Improved turret lights and explosions
    Improved muzzle flashes on freighter turrets
    Added indicator of cargo contents
    Freighter Commanders now give rewards for rescuing them from pirate attack
    Fixed collision on freighter cargo containers
    Updated the lush ambience to make the wind sounds less noisy
    Ambient background fauna now checks for the presence of creatures
    Added rain on foliage
    Added rain on ship
    Added freighter specific footsteps
    When on a dead planet, no music will play
    Round table prop now plays an appropriate sound
    Added more music to the loading sequence and game start
    Added audio to new base building props
    Created sounds for new base building props
    Added audio to freighter doors and internal freighter ambiences
    Added freighter explosions
    Added freighter alarm
    Added ambient radio comms when approaching a freighter
    Fixed missing sounds when in a space station due to the mix settings
    Multi-tool upgrades now affect audio
    Lots of minor mix changes
    Changed some compression settings for PS4 audio to make the sub-channel audio play more reliably
    < Bu mesaj bir yönetici tarafından değiştirilmiştir >

  • Ben güncellemeyi beğendim. Bu şekilde 2-3 yama daha çıkarsa oyun vaad ettiğini yerine getirir.
  • 1.13 güncelleme geldi. Ilginç şeyler oluyor..
  • Oyun aslında çıkması gereken hale gelmiş. 3-4 böyle yama sonra iyice güzel yerlere gelebilir ama başta çok büyük zarar verdiler kendilerine.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: siberarmi

    Oyun aslında çıkması gereken hale gelmiş. 3-4 böyle yama sonra iyice güzel yerlere gelebilir ama başta çok büyük zarar verdiler kendilerine.

    Aynen Ruhi. İmajları zor düzelecek.
  • Çok büyük ve detaylı bir yama daha geldi, neredeyse oyunun 3 katı büyüklüğünde (4.1GB) Hala ilgilenen varsa göz atabilir.
    Yama notları aşağıdaki gibi. Sonunda gemi, silah gibi şeyleri düzgünce sınıflandırabilmişler...
    Erken erişimden çıkmasına az kaldı gibi oyunun


  • yeni gelen araçlar bunlarmış. grafikler de iyileştirilmiş sanırım

  • Oyundan atma sorunu yaşayan var mı?
  • konudaki fanboylara bak. kendilerini kandırmışlar hep oyun süper oyun süper diye. oyunu korsan yükledim çünkü biliyorum hype olduysa bir oyun bu şekilde kesin bir halt vardır. hayatımda gördüğüm en dandik en rezalet oyun olabilir. burada 150 lira verip oyunu savunan fanboylara da soğuk su öneririm büyük ihtimalle oyunun çöp olduğunu farkedene kadar 2 saat geçmiştir. onlarda madem ben kazık yedim başkalarını da kandırayım demiş
  • Araba işi iyi olmuş, uçakla bir yerden bir yere gitmek uzun sürüyordu bazen. En kısa zamanda deneyeceğim.
  • bu oyunda ne patlamıştı be 10 yılın balonu resmen
  • Oyunu adam ediyorlar heralde yavaş yavaş ama iş işten geçti,en başta olacaktı bunlar.

    Allahtan yeni gelen özellikleri dlc diye satmadılar.Bence satmayı düşünmüşlerdir de tepkiler daha da artacağı için vazgeçmiş olabilirler.

    Ayrıca oyun 30TL civarında bir fiyat ile çıksa alıp denenebilir,hatta son gelen güncellemeler ile oynanabilirdi ama 150 TL çok para...

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi ürüng ayıg toyon -- 14 Mart 2017; 23:48:2 >
  • sommet de la montagne kullanıcısına yanıt
    Son sürüm yüklediğinize emin misiniz? 1.0 olabilir malum kaçak çekmişsiniz.

    Bu arada keşke oyun erken erişim olarak çıksaydı ve güncellemeler ile iyileştirilebilir hale gelseydi. Neyse umarım kısa zaman sonra hb'ye düşer de aylık olsun haftalık olsun alalım şunu 150₺ verilmez yada 90₺.

    < Bu ileti tablet sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • efeemmi kullanıcısına yanıt
    hocam modları nereye atıyoruz
  • Oyunu 30-40 liraya satmalılar

    < Bu ileti tablet sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
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