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    The kemalists,like their Unionist predecessors,believed that the purpose of political power was to carry out a social and economic revolution without which the political revolution would dissipate.The Unionists failed to carry out such a revolution because the series of crises they confronted forced them to compromise with the conservative forces,especially the landlords and notables of Anatolia.they came to power with the aim of saving the empire from imminent decline and destruction.the political and social options open to them were therefore limited.since they could not be republicans or explicitly secular,they settled for a constitutional monarchy whose ideology was based on islam.The crises and the bankrupt treasury forced them to borrow abroad and to squeeze the peasantry for revenue.Consequently they failed to carry out reform necessary to transform the countryside.but that enabled them to co-exist with the rural notables in an uneasy aliance at the cost of the support and the goodwill of the peasants.

    The Kemalists faced a totally different situation.The empire had not only collapsed during the world war,but territories in asia minor which were included within the armistice lines of 30 october 1918 were threatened with partition.Foreign occupatio of some of the mots valuable provinces of anatolia,including istanbul,brought the question of the very existence of a turkish state and nation to the forefront.in such a desperate situation,the kemalists were willing to make virtually and compromise in order to assure the survival of the turkish people.that explains their working relationship with the bolsheviks whose ideology was anathema to them.at home,too,the kemalists were willing to have recourse to the most radical solutions in order to guarantee the creation and survival of a new turkey.in the spring and summer of 1919 it was quite conceivable that turkey might go the way of greater syria and be partitioned into small states to facilitate western ambitions in the region.thus the treaty of sevres signed under protest by the sultan's government in august 1920 created mandates for armenia and kurdistan,gave the greeks extensive rights in the izmir region of western anatolia,and placed the straits under the league of nations.

    local groups of notables had begun to organise resistance throughout anatolia against the foreign invasion.but this resistance was local and its purpose was to safeguard parochial not national interests;many of the notables were quite willing to compromise with one of the great powers in order to guarantee ther own well-being.To such people who organised theso-called 'defence of rights societies'in various parts of the country,the notion of national struggle was f secondary importance.they simply wanted to salvage what they could from a seemingly hopeless situtation.

    given the very limited support and enthusiasm that the kemalists found for the national movement at the upper level of turkish society,they considered turning elsewhere:to the peasants and the workers.this alarmed liberal supportes of the national movement.the journalist ahmen emin voiced his concern in the colums of vakit.'his excellency mustafa kemal pasha is the greatest force capable of preparing the future.howeverithis force,instead of leading a national effort,is showing a willingness to turn to class struggle by founding the people's party'.the liberals need not have worried for turkey lacked the necessary social forces that kemal could turn to in the1920s.

    there was no industry and therefore no working class worthy of the name.Industrial stastics for 1915 reveal that within the borders of today's turkey there were a mere 182 industrial enterprises employing about 14.000 workers,the population at the time being an estimated 15 million.in a conversation with aralov,the soviet ambassador to the nationalist,kemal regretted the poor hand history had dealt him and envied the soviets their good fortune.
    in istanbul ,the sultan and his entourage,who might have provided the focus for national resistance,threw themselves upon the mercy of great britainihoping that london would be charitable to its loyal clients.they were willing to accept virtually any outcome that allowed them to retain the trappings of power.they did not believe in the concept of nation or national sovereignty,let alone national economy;on the contrary,they found such ideas subversive for they challenged the very basis of their power which was based on archaic traditions.

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