Gazi tıp nasıl
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2 Misafir - 2 Masaüstü

Since I was studying in a very bad high school, they sent me privately for the last 2 years so that he could study in a decent environment, I said that I was going to graduate at that time, my family and friends, no one said anything, my guidance counselor tried to make a choice, no, the summer should go, the worst 2 years after the summer, you will complete the 4th grade. he didn't care what the other person's plan was, just to be able to say that we have placed so many people in the university. So I see in the messages here that you are just a portfolio for your mentor in your private teaching school in that school, go to him after 2 years, he won't look at you, so weigh yourself well, what am I, what do I want to do, what do I want to do? If you want to do it, do it, nobody They can't know you better than you do, listen to yourself, not people who try to get everyone to do business by rote
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