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Il-2 Sturmovik Oyuncuları Buraya (62. sayfa)

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  • joystick değil de joypad var, diğerini de onunla oynamıştım zaten. klavyeden oynamayayım dedim ama çok tuş var, oyuna ısınamadım birden anlamadım gitti.
  • Evet, kullanmanız gereken tuş kombinasyonları oldukça fazla. Joypad olsa dahi kolay olacağını sanmıyorum. Joystick kullanmadan aradaki farkı anlamayabilirsiniz.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: MegaWolt38

    joystick değil de joypad var, diğerini de onunla oynamıştım zaten. klavyeden oynamayayım dedim ama çok tuş var, oyuna ısınamadım birden anlamadım gitti.

    Joystickim bozulduğunda joypadle anca arcade serverda oynardım çünkü hiç hassas değil iniş yapılmıyor.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi egsraamhicm -- 7 Şubat 2011; 14:22:53 >
  • ya ben nişan noktasını göremiyorum nasıl ayarlayacam bunu , over
  • This is Cirm; Shift + F1 tuşuna yada bunun için belirleyeceğiniz başka bir tuşa basarak. over.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Cirm

    This is Cirm; Shift + F1 tuşuna yada bunun için belirleyeceğiniz başka bir tuşa basarak. over.

    i am gonna trying shift + f1 and oldu teşekkür ederim ama hemen vuruluyorum , over
  • Understood. over.
  • Understood. daha çok çalış. copy, over.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Cirm

    Understood. daha çok çalış. copy, over.

    bide altımdaki 1 tonluk bombayı hangi tuşlarla atıcam yardım pls , over
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: +1905


    Orijinalden alıntı: Cirm

    Understood. daha çok çalış. copy, over.

    bide altımdaki 1 tonluk bombayı hangi tuşlarla atıcam yardım pls , over

    The best method for this CTRL+E (bombayı atmadan evvel, en lokumluk yükseltiye tırman lütfen tam level tipi olsun, örneğin 6000 metre, sonra jabo stilide yapabilirsin burnu tam dik ver hedefinin tepesine, ardından "ctrl+e"tuş kombinasyonuna birden basıver ve seyrediver curcunayı)

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi tmgnd -- 10 Şubat 2011; 22:18:36 >

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: +1905

    bide altımdaki 1 tonluk bombayı hangi tuşlarla atıcam yardım pls , over

    Kontrollere bir göz atmanız lazım. Weapon 3 ve 4 'e tuş atayabilirsiniz.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: tmgnd


    Orijinalden alıntı: +1905


    Orijinalden alıntı: Cirm

    Understood. daha çok çalış. copy, over.

    bide altımdaki 1 tonluk bombayı hangi tuşlarla atıcam yardım pls , over

    The best method for this CTRL+E (bombayı atmadan evvel, en lokumluk yükseltiye tırman lütfen tam level tipi olsun, örneğin 6000 metre, sonra jabo stilide yapabilirsin burnu tam dik ver hedefinin tepesine, ardından "ctrl+e"tuş kombinasyonuna birden basıver ve seyrediver curcunayı)

    ctrl e yapınca atlıyor uçaktan

    @cirm weapon 3 e mouse un orta tuşundaki tık ı atadım bastım olmadı
    şimid weapon 4 e deniyecem

  • farenin orta tuşu tanımlı olmayabilir belki. joystick kullanmıyormusunuz?

    gerçi kullansanız bile bombaları joystick üzerindeki tuşlara atamak pek iyi olmuyor...
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Cirm

    farenin orta tuşu tanımlı olmayabilir belki. joystick kullanmıyormusunuz?

    gerçi kullansanız bile bombaları joystick üzerindeki tuşlara atamak pek iyi olmuyor...

    w7 var bende nedense görmüyor joystik xp de vistada falan çalışıyor ama w7 de çalışıyor anlamadım gitti bide xpye uyumlu olan donanımınızı w7 de çalıştırabilirsiniz diyolardı
  • hangi joystick var sizde? vistada sorun yoksa 7 de de olmaması lazıım diye düşünüyorum ama? w7 için driver yok mu?
  • 4.101 Official Release

    4.101 FIXES:

    1. Problem with class compiling causes problems with online & check runtime.

    2. Finding a free space for plane spawning on carrier deck is overloading dedicated server too much which can cause temporary warping. No problem for normal player hosting.

    3. "Data corrupt" error message appearing from some QMB missions.

    4. Saved Quick Mission Files from 4.09m do not work correctly anymore when they are loaded.

    5. Destroyed ships are reported as bridges at the stats page.

    6. Transparent runways on tracks are visible with red tint.

    7. Several issues with MDS recon (blue side recon planes not recognized, no AI planes available in recon planes list, all ground units are not indentified).

    8. Entries for "Countries" in the home base MDS screen are not loaded correctly when mission is opened in FMB. Saving after this erases the countries list.

    9. In dogfight missions, clients are not able to ground spawn from the test runways. The old narrow transparent runway should stays as airspawn only, but the two new transparent should be ground spawnable.

    10. Fulmar unable to take off from ground airfields because of wrong tail wheel rotation.

    11. Bf-109 G-6 Mk 108 cannons don't work.

    12. Bf-109 G-6 Finnish version cannot use the Wfr.Gr.21 rockets.

    13. S-80 torpedo boat rear gun alignment is invalid.

    14. "Late" Mk13 & Type91 torpedos are missing. Late variants were added to all those planes that carried the old "non-late" torp. except Swordfish torp was changed to British Mark XII.

    15. Ju-88 with empty loadout causes exception.

    16. AI planes on DF maps not flyable from external view.

    17. Ju-88 A4-torp FM has dive brakes.

    18. P.11 FM version is old.

    19. Spitfire Mk.IXc 1942 - when 2x250lb bombs loadout selected, only one (left-side) bomb is shown under wings in loadout screen and in game.

    20. Do-217 (both version) are missing one clip from right wing, so wingtip goes through ground.

    21. Ghost landing gears on Hs 129 when it gets ripped away.

    22. Wrong amount of ammo in Bf-109F-4 2xMG151 pods.

    23. CW-21 cockpit warning lights not functioning. Added lights for following functions (up to down in panel):
    -fuel pressure
    -oil pressure
    -fuel valve closed (lights when fuel is just about to ran out)
    -low/poor mixture
    -prop RPM low
    -supercharger high
    -flaps down
    -gears up

    24. Magnetic compass in Ju-87 pits show wrong value. Also the pits show the old black horizontal lines and red line in repeater compass.

    25. Wind above 5m/s affects AI planes (fighters) spawning in a bad way.

    26. Selecting the Enemy frequency from the communications menu results in the Friendly frequency being selected. That is, both the Enemy selection and the Friendly selection result in the radio being set to friendly.

    27. Yak-9UT default loadout changed to 2X B-20 + NS-23. Additional 2X B-20 + NS-37 loadout added.

    28. CantZ.1007 made more prone to fuel tank fire.

    29. Magnetic compass in Arado jet is showing wrong indications.

    30. Nav indicator (NDB) in TB-3 works opposite to red type indicators in all other soviet planes.

    31. AI skins in MDS mission are not saved in NTRK.

    32. Even with AI radio turned off in MDS scenarios, the ground control still uses radio during landing.

    33. Java exception in DF mission when checking player's loadout. No effect on gameplay, just visible in log.

    34. Hs 129 canopy doesn't close completely when jumping from external view to cockpit view just when the canopy is closing.

    35. MDS aircraft limits cause problems for hosting player when homebase is out of aircrafts.

    36. Yak-9B/D should not show homing instrument in realistic nav. mode.

    37. Max distance to request runway lights should be bigger (increased to 10km).

    38. N1K auto flaps bug, When turned On/Off/On fast switch to last position.

    39. Me-163 Komet cannot take off under player's autopilot control.

    40. Do 335 V13 repeater compass does not work correctly.

    41. Ar-234 doesn't show anything in HUD when repeater compass heading is adjusted.

    42. Player with autopilot on during takeoff will causes engine fire with certain jets. Autopilot slams the throttle(s) forward too fast.

    43. Hs 129 bomb loadout with 250kg & 2x50kg drops in wrong sequence.

    44. Hs 129 compass rotates to wrong direction in the old nav mode.

    45. Fixed Hs 129 pit disappearing engine instrument bug in certain damage conditions.

    46. Players complain that hearing/understanding Morse code is too difficult. Added "learning mode" and ability to show Morse code as text & conf.ini parameters to enable it.
    Client side can enable this feature with ShowMorseAsText=1 (under GAME) and server side can disable this online with allowMorseAsText=0 (under NET)

    47. Wrong emblems for 279 & 281 squadriglia.

    48. Aiming point for the Bk3.7 on the Bf 110 G-2 is below the center of Revi circle.

    49. He-111 gunners change to killed 3D mesh from the first hit. Appears as if dead gunners are shooting.

    50. Some textures for Solomon maps appear as too bright.

    51. Small texture bug in He-111H-12, Hs-129 and Do-217 skins. Missing nav lights.

    52. I-15 cockpit has few wrong materials and old texture. Appears as dark spot around the tube sight & window.

    53. When Re-2000 bombs are released, they jump up a little before falling.

    54. Wrong localization of He-111H-6 bombs (other languages than english).

    55. No default skin folders or void skins for new spits.

    56. Erg_JG26 has invalid gruppe number 5.

    57. Glidepath of AAF IAS should be finetuned better to match typical runway length. Now the landing following instrument precisely falls short.

    58. B-25 blind landing instrument should be much more sensitive in horizontal level. 3.5 dec for full deflection according to manual.

    59. Various spelling mistakes in CW-21 cockpit.

    60. No prop pitch HUD printout when changing pitch for engines. When engine #1 & #2 pitch is mapped, only #2 shows the HUD text.

    61. On the Ground Control page of the communications menu there is no customary blank line between the last option and the '0.Back' option.

    62. He-111 H-2 & H-6 top gunners use a part from H-12 which leaves a visible gap when zoomed out.

    63. Static version of the old P-47 and new Spitfires missing.

    64. "Torpedo failed to enter the water" message renamed to "Torpedo failed".

    65. Typo in FMB Properties tab.

    66. Solomons Aug 42 Map - wrong forrest tile in the ocean.

    67. Wrong Spitfire Mk.Vc cockpit position. Also several Spit pits have bad texture mapping at canopy frame.

    68. Bf-110G-2 external tail gun barrel is visible when in gunner's pit.

    69. Dead R-5 gunner switching positions.

    70. In french localized version, the prop pitch display is wrong. "Pas dhelice {0}%"

    71. Ju-88A-17 D2 LOD bug.

    72. Night is sometimes too dark and instruments cannot be seen very well.

    73. Aligning GUI buttons on subsequent screens in QMB.

    74. Smolensk map, QMB - "Smolenk" typo in Czech localization.

    75. Slightly reduced maximum impact speed for Italian torpedo.

    76. Radio communication (TAB commands) sometimes can also activate the key that is mapped to same numeric key that TAB command uses.

    77. Bf-110G - the lights for the gear EIN/AUS are the wrong way around. (i.e. in wrong place).

    78. AFN-2 gauge doesn't have a working night illumination on Stuka D and G versions.

    79. D3A1 cockpit airspeed gauge shows wrong indications.

    80. He-111 H-6 tail stinger changed to MG17.

    81. Me-210 PaK40 changed to Bofors40.

    82. Removed arming delay and safe jettison from certain weapons which didn't have fuzes.

    83. Correction of Wind Table calculation.

    84. Added missing DF gauge to A-20 pits and added material fix for A-20G artificial horizon gauge.

    85. Fix for QMB old missions altitude.

    86. Disabled beacon keys if realistic nav difficulty option is off.

    87. Reworked the way G limit indicator is displayed in cockpit view.

    88. Neutral AAA shooting at spawned planes in DS.

    89. Changed Tempest speed gauge to show MPH units instead of knots.

    90. Chocks on ground airfields causes jamming & strange results if chocks are on and player fires guns.

    91. Added few minor LOD, shadow mesh or other corrections for G.55, Seafire, Re-2002 & Do217.

    92. IAR-81 pit pressure gauge needle are at wrong positions.

    93. Added better Re.2002 & Cant Z.1007bis custom BMP skins.

    94. EOFException visible in logs when playing older ntrk.

    95. Added Italian Voice Pack. Credit goes to:

    hVoice #1 Aeronautico
    Voice #2 maxmars
    Voice #3 Mapalm
    Voice #4 #1AA#Cudgel
    Voice #5 269GA~Luki
    Voice #6 Sternjäger
    Voice #7 269GA~Basola
    Voice #8 Kiko
    Voice #9 EnricoFLY

    Special thanks to 150° Gruppo Aut. Caccia Terrestre (http://www.150gct.it)

    Known issues:
    There are a handful of regiments which will be changed in 4.11 and will not work properly.
    These are:
    Stab/JG 1
    Stab/JG 5
    I./KG 4
    Nahaufkl.Gr. 1
    KGrzbV 5
    KGrzbV 50
    KGrzbV 40
    KGrzbV 60
    Escadrila 4 Recunoaştere

    Notice that some other regiments are not functional now because of the above, but will work after above regiments are internally renamed in 4.11.

    4.101 DOWNLOAD:

    Patch 4.101 installs directly over 4.10 version.

    International version







    Russian version






    Dedicated server







  • Klavye ile oynanırmı oyun ona göre bende indireceğimde
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: !3!ack

    Klavye ile oynanırmı oyun ona göre bende indireceğimde

    hayır oynanmaz
  • arkadaşlar ultra pach 2,01 yükledim.yükledikten sonra JSGME DİYE BİR KISI YOL OLUŞTU MASA ÜSTÜNDE.jsgme de mod güncelleme nasıl yapılıyor acaba ?. teşekkürler
  • birderde arkadaşlar uçağı kaldırırken sağa yada sola doğru dönüyor.bunu engellemek için kontrollerden hangi tuşu atamam lazım
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