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Bank of America lütfen Yardım !!!

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  • Arkadaşlar internet üzerinden Norveç'te yaşayan bir kişiye iphone sattım. Bu arkadaş iphoneyi Nijeryada bir arkadşına göndermemi istedi.
    Bende kabul ettim. Hesap numaramı vs. verdim. ücrette anlaştık herşey tamam.
    Daha sonra bana mail attı ve parayı bankaya yatırdığını bana bankadan mail geleceğini söyledi. Ve Bank of Americadan böyle bir mail geldi

    Gelen Mailde ne demek istediğini vs, Anladım. Benim güven sorunum var. Acaba Bank of americaya güvenebilir miyim.

    Ben kargoya ürünü verince, kargo numarasını bank of amerikaya verince, bana paramı verirler mi ? ona güvenemiyorum.

    Lütfen yardımcı olunuz...

    Gelen mail..

    Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 03:18:31 -0700
    From: transervclient@accountant.com
    Subject: Transfer Confirmation With Transaction ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    To: xxxxxxxx@hotmail.com

    Dear xxxxxxxxx,

    We honor to inform you that the sum of xxxx Ytl was transferred to you from Mr.Daniel Cox ,through Bank of America. Mr.Daniel Cox(ALICI@gmail.com) the buyer of this item(Iphone) and the full payment has been transferred to your bank details below:

    Account Holder's Name:xxxxxx xxxxxxx
    Account Number:xxxxxxx
    Bank Name:Türkiye İş Bankası
    Branch Number: xxxx
    Total Amount: xxxx Ytl
    Em ail Account:xxxxx@hotmail.com

    We have finished the procedure of the online transferring of the full payment to your bank account, but you will need to ship the item out and send us the tracking number, for your shipment verification so that we can update money into your bank account and the full payment of
    xxxx Ytl will be transferred to your account from BANK OF AMERICA® direct to your account

    You can go ahead and ship out the buyer's item{s} and send the shipment tracking number to us at transervclient@accountant.com

    Please note that you are to make the shipment within the next 24-48 hours time, you will receive your money as soon as you have send us the tracking number or a scanned copy of the shipment receipt.We are doing this measure for both the seller and the buyer's interest.You will have to ship the item to the shipping address provided by the buyer below.

    Name:S. AMEH
    Address:20 prot building pold rd,sango
    Zip code:xxxxxx

    ***PLEASE NOTE***
    Due to the fact that Bank Of America processes thousands of orders daily, We therefore RECOMMEND contacting the Customer Support Representative that has been assigned to this particular Order directly. This ensures speedy verification of shipment as well as prompt dispatch of Payment. Send the shipment tracking/refrence details to Us Once shipment has been verified,You will receive a "PAYMENT DISPATCHED" email from Bank Of America informing you that the Money has been dispatched into your account.

    Payment Confirmation Receipt

    This is the sample of the Bank Of America
    Payment Dispatched Confirmation Receipt that will be dispatched to you after we recieve the shipment tracking/reference number:

    This international money transfer® transfer has been made from the buyer's account and has been "APPROVED"but your money will not be credited into your account, until shipment reference details is mail to us for shipment verification as to secure both the buyer and the seller.Below are the necessary information requested before your money will be credited into your account.Send shipment information details to us through this mail : transervclient@accountant.com our customer service will attend to you.

    This part of our procedure and rules that we have been using since this banking online exist ,that the cash should be pending before we credit it into the seller's account, because of the fraudulent act which happened to some our clients sometimes.Your money will be credited into your account immediately upon confirmation of the shipment details required by us.Your money will be credited into your account, immediately our shipment verification department verify your shipment details is updated and valid. Bank Of America online money transfer takes any unauthorized or fraudulent activity very seriously and that is why we need to verify your shipment information details before we activate your account,this measure is to protect both the seller and the buyer interest.
    We are very sorry for any inconvenience or delay this may have cause,we will like you to verify your bank information properly and see that there is no mistake. If there is kindly contact us through the email below.

    Bank Of America is a safe, convenient, and economical alternative to sending cash through the mail,Bank of America helps build strong communities by helping people achieve their dreams. We reach for higher standards every day, in everything we do - for our customers, our shareholders, our associates and our communities , upon which the future prosperity of our company rests. you can also contact our online customer care services ..

    Bank Of America
    Kenneth D. Lewis
    Chairman, CEO and President

    Thanks for using Bank of America
    Transfer Dept: transervclient@accountant.com

    ©Bank of of America1995 -2009.All rights reserved.

  • nijeryalilarla sakin ama sakin is yapma............ telefonun gider dikkat....
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: ßëệłžξЪцЪ

    nijeryalilarla sakin ama sakin is yapma............ telefonun gider dikkat....
    1 nijeryalılar 1 çinliler aman uzak dur
  • forumdan böyle biri dolandırılmanın eşiginden dönmüştü sanırım nijeryada birine mp3 player satıyodu...
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Guest-6CB3B4454

    forumdan böyle biri dolandırılmanın eşiginden dönmüştü sanırım nijeryada birine mp3 player satıyodu...
    paypal kullansanıza. bi iphone için bank of america nın ceo su mail mi yollayacak. seni kazıklamaya çalışıyorlar.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: micro_

    paypal kullansanıza. bi iphone için bank of america nın ceo su mail mi yollayacak. seni kazıklamaya çalışıyorlar.

    Alıntıları Göster
    kişiye paypal kullanmak istediğimi belirttim.
    Kişinin mail adresi budur : dcox269@gmail.com
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: HHiKO

    kişiye paypal kullanmak istediğimi belirttim.
    Kişinin mail adresi budur : dcox269@gmail.com

    Alıntıları Göster
    yahoodan gelen fake kazandınız mesajlarına benziyor arkadaş, bence girme bu işe, iphone u türkiyeden almak kadar saçma bir iş yok yabancı insan için bence :)
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    The Hunter 2012 Sizlere yardım
    13 yıl önce açıldı
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: jxoch

    yahoodan gelen fake kazandınız mesajlarına benziyor arkadaş, bence girme bu işe, iphone u türkiyeden almak kadar saçma bir iş yok yabancı insan için bence :)

    Alıntıları Göster
    Bu işten vazgeç o şerefsizler dolandırıcı. Senaryo değiştirip değiştirip dadanıyorlar sürekli aman haa!!!

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: hexflood

    Bu işten vazgeç o şerefsizler dolandırıcı. Senaryo değiştirip değiştirip dadanıyorlar sürekli aman haa!!!

    Alıntıları Göster

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: demircibu


    Alıntıları Göster
    olum dünyanın hiçbiryerinde satıcı parayı almadan ürünü yollamaz.. senin eline geçti mi para?? adam basbaya seni kandırıyor
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: nofrost

    olum dünyanın hiçbiryerinde satıcı parayı almadan ürünü yollamaz.. senin eline geçti mi para?? adam basbaya seni kandırıyor

    Alıntıları Göster
    aynı durumu yasıyorum su an. hala devam ettiklerine göre kandırılanlar var demek ki arkadaslar. dikkatli olalım
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: cmeliheag

    aynı durumu yasıyorum su an. hala devam ettiklerine göre kandırılanlar var demek ki arkadaslar. dikkatli olalım

    Alıntıları Göster
    Böyle biri daha vardı. Sakın yollama aleti. İstersen yolladım deyip kekleyebilirsin ama sakın yollama. Zaten o e-mail'in fake olduğu belli. Her tahsilatta banka CEO'su mail atsaydı...
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Guy

    Böyle biri daha vardı. Sakın yollama aleti. İstersen yolladım deyip kekleyebilirsin ama sakın yollama. Zaten o e-mail'in fake olduğu belli. Her tahsilatta banka CEO'su mail atsaydı...

    Alıntıları Göster
    yok ya. bankaya raporladım. emaile ulastıgı ikinci el sitesine de raporladım. nijerya polisine de raporlıycaktım da siteleri bozuk
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: cmeliheag

    yok ya. bankaya raporladım. emaile ulastıgı ikinci el sitesine de raporladım. nijerya polisine de raporlıycaktım da siteleri bozuk

    Alıntıları Göster
    Yıl olmuş 2016 hala aynı dolandırıcılık çabalarına devam ediyorlar...

    Mail içeriği şu şekilde :

    Payment Notification
    Transaction code: 2fdkhgjkdfghldkf....

    Dear .....,
    We are confirming that the total of ( ₺ 2....TL) has been successfully deducted from CAPT. SULAYMAN KAZIM Bank Account for the purchase of your item: (her ne satıyosanız) the money is now ready to be transferred into your TURKIYE IS BANKASI A.S. Account: "İban numarası ...." as soon as we receive the scanned copy of the shipment receipt. This step is necessary in order to prevent fraud.

    YOU MUST SHIP the item immediately and reply us with a scanned copy of the shipment receipt for us to credit the money into your account today. Failure to do so will result in Legal Action!

    PLEASE NOTE: In order to prevent fraud this transaction is fully monitored by the European Crime Police Force, EUROPOL.
    Buyers Account Details
    Account Name: Capt. Sulayman Kazim
    Bank Name: Bank of America
    Bank Code: FL00931USA
    Account Number: 0059254262
    Bank Location: United States of America, USA
    Email address: capt.sulayman@gmail.com

    Sellers Account Details
    Full Name: .......
    Iban: .......
    Bank Account: ........
    Bic: I.......
    Bank Identifier: .......
    Branch: .......
    Emai: ............@mail.com
    Bank Location:

    Postage & Packing via PTT:
    (includes any seller packing fees)

    Postage Insurance (optional)

    Total: ₺ ...,..TL

    This payment is for this item "item" and also the shipment must be made with PTT. When the shipment is done send the Tracking number and the photo of the shipment scan receipt of the post office to our customer care desk via: BankOfAmericaMoneyOnlineTransfer@accountant.com

    The money has been processed and you will receive an alert of the payment immediately you send us the shipment details for the verification. This measure is taken in order to protect both seller and buyer interests and to reduce the occurrence of fraudulent activities.

    This is to guide against crediting an account for Wrong Payment and Cautiousness.

    The Transferred amount will not be credited into your Bank account if we cannot verify that the Item has been shipped to the buyer from the Courier Service Used and confirming that the item on transit. The Scan shipment document (Receipt document) gave to you by the Shipment/Freight Company or Tracking Number must be sent to us In order to Protect both parties from fraud. This will be filed for documentation purposes and unforeseen future references that might arise.

    Below is the shipping details provided by our client:

    Name: Emmanuel David
    Address: No 12 Eunice Bolarinwa Street,
    City: Ikirun
    State: Osun state.
    Zip Code: 23402
    Country: Nigeria.

    Address Status: Confirmed

    Ayrıyetten içerikte Genel Müdür fotoraf ve imzası ve bankanın resimleri mevcut. görüntüde inandırıcı gelen bir mail fakat bankanın internet sitesine giden tek bir link dahi yok.
    Umarım birilerinin işine yarar da uyanılar mevzuya.

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: zupcik

    Yıl olmuş 2016 hala aynı dolandırıcılık çabalarına devam ediyorlar...

    Mail içeriği şu şekilde :

    Payment Notification
    Transaction code: 2fdkhgjkdfghldkf....

    Dear .....,
    We are confirming that the total of ( ₺ 2....TL) has been successfully deducted from CAPT. SULAYMAN KAZIM Bank Account for the purchase of your item: (her ne satıyosanız) the money is now ready to be transferred into your TURKIYE IS BANKASI A.S. Account: "İban numarası ...." as soon as we receive the scanned copy of the shipment receipt. This step is necessary in order to prevent fraud.

    YOU MUST SHIP the item immediately and reply us with a scanned copy of the shipment receipt for us to credit the money into your account today. Failure to do so will result in Legal Action!

    PLEASE NOTE: In order to prevent fraud this transaction is fully monitored by the European Crime Police Force, EUROPOL.
    Buyers Account Details
    Account Name: Capt. Sulayman Kazim
    Bank Name: Bank of America
    Bank Code: FL00931USA
    Account Number: 0059254262
    Bank Location: United States of America, USA
    Email address: capt.sulayman@gmail.com

    Sellers Account Details
    Full Name: .......
    Iban: .......
    Bank Account: ........
    Bic: I.......
    Bank Identifier: .......
    Branch: .......
    Emai: ............@mail.com
    Bank Location:

    Postage & Packing via PTT:
    (includes any seller packing fees)

    Postage Insurance (optional)

    Total: ₺ ...,..TL

    This payment is for this item "item" and also the shipment must be made with PTT. When the shipment is done send the Tracking number and the photo of the shipment scan receipt of the post office to our customer care desk via: BankOfAmericaMoneyOnlineTransfer@accountant.com

    The money has been processed and you will receive an alert of the payment immediately you send us the shipment details for the verification. This measure is taken in order to protect both seller and buyer interests and to reduce the occurrence of fraudulent activities.

    This is to guide against crediting an account for Wrong Payment and Cautiousness.

    The Transferred amount will not be credited into your Bank account if we cannot verify that the Item has been shipped to the buyer from the Courier Service Used and confirming that the item on transit. The Scan shipment document (Receipt document) gave to you by the Shipment/Freight Company or Tracking Number must be sent to us In order to Protect both parties from fraud. This will be filed for documentation purposes and unforeseen future references that might arise.

    Below is the shipping details provided by our client:

    Name: Emmanuel David
    Address: No 12 Eunice Bolarinwa Street,
    City: Ikirun
    State: Osun state.
    Zip Code: 23402
    Country: Nigeria.

    Address Status: Confirmed

    Ayrıyetten içerikte Genel Müdür fotoraf ve imzası ve bankanın resimleri mevcut. görüntüde inandırıcı gelen bir mail fakat bankanın internet sitesine giden tek bir link dahi yok.
    Umarım birilerinin işine yarar da uyanılar mevzuya.

    Alıntıları Göster
    fake mail atmışlar doalndırılmak üzeresin

    ben mail üzerinde ıp buldum giya adam abd mail atıyor ama ıp afrika ülkesinden cıkıyor :)

    sen adamları dolandır tv kumandası koy gönder :)

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi yazate48 -- 20 Eylül 2016; 11:49:55 >

  • Yıl olmuş 2017, halen devam ediyorlar.
    Muhtemelen çok kişi yiyor bunu.

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    MoneyTransfer@BankofAmerica.com <bofaonlinefundstransfer@accountant.com>
    To rz@yahoo.com
    CC rz@yahoo.com Today at 10:40 AM
    Welcome to BANK OF AMERICA Online.

    Payment Notification
    Transaction code : 7DC965953H542081A

    Dear ,
    We want to let you know that (CAPT. HAMMED DAVID) has made the payment and we have sent you an approval confirmation email to notify you that the transfer as been made with the details of your bank information for the payment, to assured you that the transfer is going to your account. once the transfer as been approved is not POSSIBLE for CAPT. HAMMED DAVID to CANCEL or REVERSE the transaction again once our transfer machine has program the transfer.


    Item Paid for: Laptop
    Amount paid : ₺ 10,500:00 TL (Shipping charges included

    So to protect both the buyer and the seller we will need to confirm the shipment before we transfer your money to your account. Kindly go and make the shipment NOW with PTT EMS KARGO and get back to us with the Shipment Scan Receipt which contain Shipment Tracking Number for us to verify and confirm the shipment.

    Once the shipment as been confirm we will notify you and transfer your money to your account after the verification process.
    Go ahead and Ship out the item and send us the shipment tracking number as soon as possible Today.
    Send the Shipment Tracking Number to our customer care for the Shipment verification.
    You will have to be patient till when the Shipment Verification Process will be over.


    Name: Olaniyan David Hammed
    Address: 12, soldier camp Area
    City: Ikirun,
    State: Osun state.
    Country: Nigeria.
    Zip Code: 234


    Your Bank Account will be activated with the money immediately you send the shipment details and that has been verified. This measure is taken in order to protect both seller and buyer interests and to reduce the occurrence of fraudulent activities.

    Also if you have any question you can contact the Europe Credit Bank direct with this email address for further inquiring through the following email: link


    The order has been approved, you can now ship the item to the buyer's shipping address. You are expected to make the shipment once you receive this Transfer Payment Approval Notification and get to our Transfer department/Technical Dept. with the tracking number for Shipment Verification.

    Copyright 2016@ BANK OF AMERICA. All rights Reserved. BOA Limited Registration Number: 1986/004794/06. Authorized financial services and registered credit provider NCRCP7
    The order has been APPROVED, you can now ship out the Merchandise to the buyer's shipping address. You are expected to make the shipment within 48 Hours of receiving this Transfer Payment Approval Notification and get to our Transfer department/Technical Dept. with the Tracking Number for Payment Verification.
    Deluxe Satisfication<br /><br /> Guarantee
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    Federal Bureau of Investigation
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    Dosyaları Seç

    Jesus Belzunce on

  • yıl olmuş 2017 mayıs dolandırıcılığa devam.

    Welcome to BANK OF AMERICA Online Banking

    Payment Notification
    Transaction code: 2BQ755953P442081R

    We are confirming that the total of (₺ 2,200:00 TL) has been successfully deducted from CAPT. ABDULLAH RAHMAN Bank Account for the purchase of your item: (WATCH) the money is now ready to be transferred into your AKBANK T.A.S. Account: *** as soon as we receive the scanned copy of the shipment receipt. This step is necessary in order to prevent fraud.

    YOU MUST SHIP the item immediately and reply us with a scanned copy of the shipment receipt for us to credit the money into your account today. Failure to do so will result in Legal Action!

    PLEASE NOTE: In order to prevent fraud this transaction is fully monitored by the European Crime Police Force, EUROPOL.

    Transaction Summary: Pending Payment DATE 22/05/2017

    ITEM Amount
    ₺ 2,100:00 TL (Turkish Lira)
    Transport Charges ₺ 100:00 TL (Turkish Lira)
    Total Amount ₺ 2,200:00 TL (Turkish Lira)
    Item Name


    Quantity 1


    Shipping Address :


    Address: 12, Sabo gari france road

    City: kano

    State: kano state.

    Zip Code: 23402

    Country: Nigeria.
    Account Details for Remittance
    Full Name: S***

    Bank Name: AKBANK T.A.S.

    Iban Number: T***

    Bank Account: 1****


    Bank Identifier: ***

    Bank Branch: ***

    Emai: ***

    Bank Location: TR (Turkey)








    Capt. Hammed David

    Bank of America©

    Current Account



    This payment is for this item WATCH and also the shipment must be made with PTT. When the shipment is done send the Tracking number and the photo of the shipment scan receipt of the post office to our customer care desk via: link


    Address: 12, Sabo gari france road
    City: kano,
    State: kano state.
    Country: Nigeria.
    Zip Code: 234

    The money has been processed and you will receive an alert of the payment immediately you send us the shipment details for the verification. This measure is taken in order to protect both seller and buyer interests and to reduce the occurrence of fraudulent activities.

    This is to guide against crediting an account for Wrong Payment and Cautiousness.

    The Transferred amount will not be credited into your Bank account if we cannot verify that the Item has been shipped to the buyer from the Courier Service Used and confirming that the item on transit. The Scan shipment document (Receipt document) gave to you by the Shipment/Freight Company or Tracking Number must be sent to us In order to Protect both parties from fraud. This will be filed for documentation purposes and unforeseen future references that might arise.

    Here is the recent history of your Transfer Status...

    ​Status: Pending

    Transfer On Pending...
    Transfer Current Percentage Done: 98%
    Transfer On Pending..Shipment Details Needed.. Shipment Receipt Details needed

    Thank you for using BANK OF AMERICA Auction payment Transfer!
    The Bank of America Payment team®

    Bank of America®Payment Team.
    Reg No:2080759

    bank of america ceo ile ilgili görsel sonucu
    General Manager of BOA, USA.
    Brian T. Moynihan

    Authorized Signature

    Bank of America Website, ©2017

  • ARkadaşım selamlar..

    paranı aldın mı acaba? biz de aynı durumdayız ama bekleme aşamasındayız. Senin vereceğin cevaba göre kargoyu iptal edeceğim. kargo yolda da şuan :(
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: waccoo

    ARkadaşım selamlar..

    paranı aldın mı acaba? biz de aynı durumdayız ama bekleme aşamasındayız. Senin vereceğin cevaba göre kargoyu iptal edeceğim. kargo yolda da şuan :(

    dolandırıcı bunlar komple.

    para eline geçmeden neden kargoya veriyorsun ?
    para eline geçtiyse sorun nedir?
  • Para mara yok kafayımı yedin sen. Sakın kargoya bişey verme

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
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