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i5 13400f 4070TI İle Darbogaz Yapar MI?

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  • i5 13400f 4070ti ile dar bogaz yapar mı bikaç kişiye sordum yapmaz dediler bugun aldım ama suan biri yapar diyor kafam karıştı

    test videosunu aşağıya bıraktım

    i5 13400f 4070TI İle Darbogaz Yapar MI?ShadowSevenyoutube
    ◽️ Benchmarking the New RTX 4070 Ti paired with i5-13400F tested in 16 Games at 1440p. ◽️ I will be benchmarking the RTX 4070Ti with many other CPU's, so stay tuned and press the Subscribe button 🔧 SPECS 🔧 ◽️ Intel® Core™ i5 13400F https://amzn.to/3Hyf040 ◾️ ZOTAC Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070Ti 12GB https://amzn.to/3WCRsPZ ◽️ OS - Windows 11 Pro ◽️ SSD - 1TB SATA Kingston https://amzn.to/3R3l7AN ◽️ HDD - 4TB External https://amzn.to/3wvtr2Q ◾️ Motherboard - Gigabyte B660 DS3H DDR4 https://amzn.to/400Lco6 ◾️ PSU - Corsair CX650F RGB https://amzn.to/3R9XN4s RAM - Corsair 16GB 3600Mhz https://amzn.to/3WCP9MO ⏱ Timestamps ⏱ Red Dead Redemption 2 - 00:00 Rainbow Six Siege ULTRA - 01:00 Rainbow Six Siege Low - 02:01 Forza Horizon 5 - 03:05 GTA 5 - 04:09 Spider-Man Remastered - 05:14 PUBG Very Low - 06:18 PUBG ULTRA - 07:25 Cyberpunk 2077 - 08:30 GOD OF WAR - 09:26 Elden Ring - 10:24 Days Gone - 11:38 assassin's creed valhalla - 12:42 Fortnite EPIC - 13:22 Fortnite Low - 14:28 CSGO HIGH - 15:42 CSGO Low - 16:58 VALORANT HIGH - 18:50 VALORANT Low - 20:08 COD Warzone 2.0 Low - 21:38 COD Warzone 2.0 ULTRA - 22:40 Minecraft - RUST - Halo infinite - CS GO - The Witcher 3 - Hitman 3 - Far Cry 6 - 🎥 Recorded with NVIDIA Share ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Donate : https://paypal.me/shadowseven Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070772533404 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Any questions just ask in the comments! I'll reply as fast as I can! Please like and subscribe if you liked the video :) ◽️DISCLOSURE: As an Amazon Associate I may earn money on qualifying purchases through the affiliate links above, this means that if you purchase a product we earn a small sales commission, which costs you nothing extra (if you end up purchasing a product). #RTX4070Ti #i513400f #Shadowseven #RTX4070Ti12gb - RTX 4070 12GB Gaming , RTX 4070Ti + i5 13600KF Gaming , RTX 4070 Gaming benchmark

  • test videosunda degerler soyle rdr 2 de

    i5 13400f 4070TI İle Darbogaz Yapar MI?
  • Yapar. Çözünürlük arttıkça yük GPU ya biner.

    Single player oyunlarda akıcı fps alınır, multiplayer oyunlarda patlar işlemci. Yayın açma vs yapılabileceğini de hiç sanmıyorum. Özetle her ne durumda olursa olsun sistem tam verimiyle kullanılamaz. İşlemciyi uygun modelle değiştirdiğin anda 30-40 fps fazla almaya başlarsın.

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